Special Housing
Diversity in housing reflects the diversity among people. We support the development of wide options in housing, including cohousing where people live independently together, affordable eco-homes and self-build. Other examples are included below.
participatory design processes (Greener Kirkcaldy)
whole community solutions (Inverkeithing)
recycled materials (Fife)
conversions (Fife)
community-led housing (Cuparmuir)
healthy homes (Phoenix Project)
policy & research (Vivariurm Trust)
Cohousing (Vivariurm Trust)
piloting innovation (CobBauge)
low cost eco-homes (Perthshire)
rural & island homes (Our Island Home)
straw bale (Clayfest)
green oak frames (Arborantics)
self-build projects (Fife)