Housing Emergency: Community Response

A Scottish Framework for Cohousing, along with funding for the pathfinder project Hope Cohousing in Orkney, were recommendations emerging from a public event at the Scottish Parliament on 21st January 2025.  

Convened by Cohousing Scotland to share insights from both Scottish initiatives and international successes, it was hosted by Ariane Burgess MSP and chaired by Dr Gareth James of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence.  The event attracted over a hundred citizens and six MSPs, including the Housing Minister Paul McLennan MSP.  

Cohousing Scotland’s board at the Scottish Parliament

Learning From Global Success 

The event showcased success stories from other nations.  

·      Craig White of Agile Homes shared innovative financial models that value social impact and carbon captured in bio-construction materials.  

·   Professor Paul Chatterton illustrated the tangible benefits of Cohousing communities in England, demonstrating improved wellbeing and economic impact.  

·      Camilla Nielsen-Englyst described Denmark’s thriving Cohousing sector, fostered with state support to reduce isolation among older people.

Two local groups, Hope Cohousing, Orkney and Lenzie Community Development Trust, shared their experiences.  Despite two decades of grassroots efforts, Scotland lags behind countries like Denmark and England in delivering Cohousing due to systemic barriers.

A History of Missed Opportunities 

This was not the first time Cohousing advocates have been to Parliament.  In 2012, the 10-year Age Home & Community Plan acknowledged Cohousing as a promising model and cited a Fife project as a case study.  Enthusiasm grew, but progress stalled.  National government deferred responsibility to local authorities, which lacked frameworks to support innovative initiatives.

Civil servants and ministers promised action in subsequent years, including the 2019/20 commitment to pilot innovative Cohousing solutions.  Yet, those pilots never materialised.  Self-organised local Cohousing groups faced a landscape of obstacles such as restrictive funding, unsuitable land policies, and a lack of understanding within public bodies.  Projects repeatedly failed despite community efforts and ministerial endorsements.

Roadmaps From Abroad: Denmark and England 

Denmark’s government recognised the risks of social isolation in an aging population and saw Cohousing offered one solution.  They provided funding for Cohousing, mandated affordable land access, and normalised the model nationwide.  Today, Danish Cohousing is over-subscribed and  provides the majority of new homes for older adults, with 15-20 new developments annually cascading benefits out to the general population.

In England, David Cameron’s “Big Society” agenda established regional hubs and committed £187 million in support for Community Led housing in England.  While not perfect, this framework enabled dozens of community-led projects, demonstrating how policy and financial backing has empowered citizens to diversify housing solutions.

Scotland’s failure to adopt similar strategic approaches has left groups struggling to navigate a system that neither recognises nor supports Cohousing.  As a result, promising initiatives have faltered, and many citizens have been left disillusioned, poorly housed and forced to look elsewhere for solutions to their housing needs.

Barriers to Progress in Scotland 

Despite a long timeline of interest from communities, systemic barriers remain in Scotland.  Cohousing is often misunderstood by public officials, who see it as incompatible with traditional housing delivery.  Local councils and housing associations frequently lack the frameworks or incentives to support community-led models.  Efforts in Glasgow, Fife, Edinburgh and Orkney highlight the inconsistent responses from public bodies, with some offering strong support while others erect bureaucratic and financial roadblocks.

Scotland’s siloed governance and risk-averse culture exacerbate these challenges.  A lack of national direction has led to wasted efforts and significant disparities across regions. Without a coherent framework, communities and officials struggle to align their goals and make delivery viable, leading to citizen frustration and policy failure.

Paul McLennan, Minister for Housing: “How do we develop the policy framework?” he asked … “because at the moment it's not embedded in Scotland and not embedded in local authorities.”  

A Call to Action 

The meeting was summed up by Tom Morton, Convener of Cohousing Scotland, who proposed that to unlock Scotland’s potential for Cohousing, two actions are essential:

1.      Develop a Scottish Cohousing Model

·     define a model of Chousing tailored to Scottish law, administration and culture

·     define measurable public benefits and public interest safeguards

·     create templates for organisational structure, development process, finance and design

·     create pathways to site acquisition, funding and guidance

This model sits within the Housing to 2040 commitment to support community-led and cooperative housing. Establishing a model for Scottish Cohousing as a not-for-profit investment in public wellbeing that is accessible across geography, tenure and wealth will open up its potential to deliver nationally, alongside and in addition to, other forms of community-led housing, commercial and public sector options. Scotland could utilise its MOU with Denmark to inform this process through knowledge exchange on sustainable building processes and standards.

2.      Fund the Hope Cohousing Project

The Hope Cohousing initiative in Orkney is a shovel-ready pathfinder project requiring just £500,000 to proceed.  Its establishment would serve as a proof of concept for future developments and inspire broader uptake.

Building a Better Future Together 

Cohousing is about more than building housing: it’s about creating homes that foster wellbeing and empower people to live independently in mutually-supportive, sustainable communities.  These values align with Scotland’s communitarian culture, enabling economic and social diversity and innovation in a sector where limited options and restricted agency has held Scotland back and fed a Housing Emergency.  By learning from global successes and addressing systemic barriers, Scotland can unlock the creativity, energy and resources of its citizens to invest in community wealth-building, build climate resilience and expand housing supply.

This is a moment for leadership.  By enabling Scottish Cohousing, Scotland’s parliament can address its housing emergency while promoting community wellbeing and strengthening economic opportunity.  It’s time to turn words into action and make Cohousing a viable option for all Scots.


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